A word from the Senior Pastor...

Pastor Anthony and his wife, Patty

We welcome your visit to the Bible Speaks Church any time!
One of our greatest joys is to see people find a church home -- a place to connect with God and with others, as well as a place where they can grow in their faith and live the exciting life God has in store for them.

We believe that TBS is this kind of church.

We hope to meet you one day and invite you to join us in experiencing the joy of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ in a warm and friendly community of believers.

Here are a few things that you can expect when you walk through our doors:


We are Gospel People

Gospel-PeopleBeing "Gospel People" means that we understand the good news about Jesus in light of the bad news about us. The bad news is that we have all blown it and we are very aware that none of us is perfect (Romans 3:9-23). But the good news is that Jesus lived a perfect life, died a sinless death, and rose from the grave as a free gift for us (1 Corinthians 15:1-8). Every day is Christmas and the "present" is forgiveness; none of us earned it and none of us deserves it (Ephesians 2:8-10). And we think that is good news!

We are Grateful People

Grateful-PeopleBeing "Grateful People" means we thank God in private and we thank God in public. We thank God when we have little and we thank God when we have a lot because He provides it all (James 1:16-17). Our biggest need has been met in Jesus, so we turn to Him and say "thank you" (Colossians 2:13-14). This is why we gather together every week (Hebrews 10:23-25). We express our thanks one-to-one with kind words, a hearty handshake, or a warm hug.  We express our thanks as a group in worshipful prayer and singing. 

Questions & Answers

Here is how our good news and gratefulness gets fleshed out in our weekly gathering. If you do not see your question answered here, feel free to call the church office and let us know how we can serve you.

What should I wear if I visit your church?

Formal dress is not required. We are here for you, no matter how you're dressed. Most people wear whatever makes them comfortable and is with a degree of modesty. That style usually changes from week to week depending on the weather, and some people like to dress up for special holidays. 

What do you do during your worship service?

After a warm welcome, we start off with some singing and some praying to express our thanks. If you have been in church before, you may recognize some of the music. We sing a mixture of "Praise & Worship" as well as traditional hymns. If you only go to church on Christmas and Easter, you will hear that same good news in the music every time we gather. You will also hear a sermon from the Bible and sometimes we will take Communion together.

Will there be instruction for young children?

Yes. God loves you AND your children. Jesus wanted all of the children to come to Him and we feel the same way about kids who come to church. Our hope is that your young ones will sing and pray right along with the rest of us during the first part of our service. Before the sermon starts, children are dismissed to Sunday School for age-appropriate instruction.

Will you ask me to give you any money?

We never ask anyone to give and we always tell our guests not to. Because God has given us everything in Christ, many people want to give and help support our church. So we provide an offering time during the service for them to do so. However, no one is ever pressured to give because the good news is ALWAYS a free gift. We just want you to come and receive what God gives.